©2007-2018 GeneSpin Srl

©2007-2021 GeneSpin Srl

You are here: molecular biology / endpoint PCR

endpoint PCR

Taq Polymerase

> Taq PolMB_end_point_Taq.html
> XtraTaq Pol WhiteMB_end_point_XtraTaq_W.html

Master mix 2X

> 2X Master Mix Standard MB_end_point_MMIX_Standard.html
> 2X Master Mix HotStartMB_end_point_MMIX_HS.html

dNTPs and dNTPs mix

> dATP MB_end_point_dNTPs.html
> dTGPMB_end_point_dNTPs.html
> dCTP MB_end_point_dNTPs.html
> dGTPMB_end_point_dNTPs.html
> dNTPS mix MB_end_point_dNTPs_mix.html

Gel Loading Buffer

> 6X Orange Loading BufferMB_end_point_6X_orange.html

Agarose LE

> Agarose Low ElectroendosmosisMB_end_point_files/Agarose%20LE.pdf

DNA Ladders

> 100bp DNA LadderMB_end_point_DNA_Ladders.html
> 1Kb DNA LadderMB_end_point_DNA_Ladders.html
> XtraTaq Pol RTLMB_end_point_XtraTaq_RTL.html

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